Thursday 10 May 2012

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When I combined my main product with my ancillary texts I realised that I needed fluidity and continuity  to do this effectively and display consistency in terms of the colour schemes, my logo being on each form and overall image of the products to match the corresponding text surrounding them or linking them to the story.

To start, I first realised that when I  combine my main product with ancillary products I must use my slogan in the exact same way to demonstrate consistency and by doing this i would portrait and image of my newspaper with the aim of persuading readers that my newspaper is of a higher standard and better quality of that of competitors.

The two pictures above demonstrate how i used both the same logo and slogan in my poster as well as my newspaper front page. I did this to add consistency to my products so that my product looks professional and follows similer conventions that other newspapers have used in the past. This technique has been used by many newspapers because it gives off a positive and continuous reflection of the product.

Along with the logo the image above also demonstrates how I have used the same slogn in my newspaper as well as my poster. I have illustrated the slogan with a bold catchy font which will attract the customer and the text 'keeping people connected' gives a 'family' feel which will appeal to the customer.

Brand identity was a major feature i wanted to perfect in my project and by keeping the same slogan and logo i have contrasted with this objective. The consistency has been very important to keep the idea of 'keeping people connected' in the minds of the reader and with this use of brand identity it will grab the attention of readers as used with other conventions from other newspapers.

The product of my poster is based upon the encoding and decoding theory as I am the producer I encoded and designed the product to reach a wide audience within Wigan. I started off with the idea that if i represent the town as being linked with a real sense of togetherness then it would appeal to a great audience and hopefully project more sales. In terms of decoding I hoped that the audience would see the poster and relate it to the title of the newspaper 'The Wigan Link'. this shows that i have linked in the poster as a newspaper chain to show the idea of linking people together via my newspaper. However as I realised that some audiences may have different abilities to understand the true meaning of the media texts and part of the cultural competence theory, i may deem my poster to be polysemic, dependant on the feedback i receive.

Another theory that support my product is Mcshane's theory, as he stated that there are 5 central tenets in which which journalists tend to follow, these are; conflict, danger to the community, the unusual, scandal and individualism. This story supports the 'danger to the community' part of the theory as a firearm being found in a college is typically associated with a 'danger to the community' or even 'unusual'. This story combines well with my main story on my cover page which supports 'danger to the community' also and which works well with my slogan 'keeping people connected'.
Linking onto my poster i also combined my radio production with the general theme of my newspaper production. I had each individual linking the different topics together and the story flowed so it gave the impression that the individuals were actually linked together. I combined my main product with my ancillary such as my radio to keep the same genuine theme of togetherness and linkage.  found that I conveyed the informative genre from my main product and used it in my poster as well (Keeping people together) which suggests a close relationship between the audience and the product. This displays the informative genre and i also included the protective genre which is conveyed by my slogan 'Keeping people connected' which is also used in my radio advertisement.

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